Radio Stuff

My hobbies tend to be cyclical, in ways that I believe bother my family sometimes :-).

The reason is that I will get interested in something, and go full bore on it. I really mean that too. It’s almost all I will do with my free time for a few weeks, sometimes to the detriment of other important tasks. Then a few weeks later, I tend to move on to another hobby entirely. Ham radio, and radio in general is an interest I have had for a while, enough so that I got my license (KF7SYH). I also bought a quite nice handheld radio (Yaesu VX-8DR). Then I got on to something else, as often happens, and loaned the radio to my brother who is also looking to get a license. Sadly enough, i’ve only ever listened in, and never actually broadcast.

Well, i’m kind of in that mood again. So, i’ve bought a cheap radio to play with (Baofeng UV-5R, all well known cheap radio), and a better antenna for it. I am probably going to start gathering more information, and will start compiling that into the radio archive on my Github page. Feel free to keep an eye there if that interests you. I also have a HackRF, which I may try to mess with.

Written on May 8, 2019